Animation Styles: Taichi Nakamura
Taichi Nakamura (中村太一) worked as animation director for Sailor Moon R, S and SuperS for a total of 20 episodes. He also did the three SuperS specials and the short for the R movie. His major episodes included the first episode of Sailor Moon R, Tellu's first appearance and the sailor soldiers' power upgrade in SuperS.
- Episode 47: Moon Revived! The Mysterious Aliens Appear
- Episode 52: Targeted Kindergarten Kids! Venus' Great Performance
- Episode 57: Be Careful After School! Usagi is a Target
- Episode 62: The Friendship of Sailor Warriors! Good-bye Ami
- Episode 67: The Ocean! The Island! A Vacation! A Break for the Sailor Soldiers
- Episode 73: A UFO Appears! The Sailor Warriors are Abducted
- Episode 76: Magical Power of Darkness! Esmeraude's Invasion
- Episode 81: Dark Gate Completed? A Grade School in Danger
- Episode 87: Believe in Love and the Future! Usagi's Determination
- Episode 93: Usagi's Idol! The Graceful Genius Michiru
- Episode 98: Save Friends! Moon and Uranus Join Forces
- Episode 102: The Pure Heart Stolen! Usagi's Biggest Crisis
- Episode 107: Art is an Explosion of Love! Chibi-Usa's First Love
- Episode 113: A House Full of Evil Presence! The Secret of the Beautiful Girl, Hotaru
- Episode 117: Higher, Stronger! Cheers by Usagi
- Episode 121: A Mystic Flower that Steals Hearts! The Third Witch, Tellu
- Episode 126: A New Life! Time for Separation of the Destined Stars
- Episode 137: Forest of Illusion! Invitation of a Beautiful Fairy
- Episode 143: Time to Believe in the Pegasus! The Super Transformations of the Four Soldiers
- Episode 148: Shadows of the Great Evil! The Trio is Cornered
- SuperS Special: An Elegant Metamorphosis? Crybaby Usagi's Growth Diary
- SuperS Special: Haruka and Michiru, Again! The Ghostly Puppet Show
- SuperS Special: Chibi Usa's Adventure! The Dreaded Vampire Castle
- R Movie: Make Up! Sailor Senshi
Animation Examples: Episodes
Episode 47: Al.
Episode 47: Usagi.
Episode 47: Sailor Moon.
Episode 47: Sailor Moon.
Episode 76: Prince Demand.
Episode 76: Esmeraude.
Episode 76: Sailor Mercury.
Episode 76: Sailor Moon.
Episode 93: Usagi and Ami.
Episode 93: Michiru and Haruka.
Episode 93: Sailor Moon.
Episode 93: Sailor Neptune and Sailor Moon.
Episode 121: Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask.
Episode 121: Kaolinite.
Episode 121: Sailor Chibi Moon.
Episode 121: Tellu.
Episode 137: Chibi Usa.
Episode 137: Chibi Usa and Diana.
Episode 137: Hawk's-eye and Tiger's-eye.
Episode 137: Fisheye.
Episode 143: Chibi Usa.
Episode 143: Pegasus.
Episode 143: Fish-eye.
Episode 143: Sailor Mars.
Episode 148: Fish-eye.
Episode 148: Mamoru and Fish-eye.
Episode 148: Fish-eye.
Episode 148: Fish-eye.
Animation Examples: Attacks
Sailor Moon R: Crescent Beam Shower.