Animation Styles: Hisashi Kagawa
Hisashi Kagawa (香川久) worked as animation director for Sailor Moon, R, S and SuperS for a total of 14 episodes. His only work in Sailor Stars was the opening. His major episodes included Makoto Kino's, Black Lady's and Haruka Ten'ō's first appearances and the past of the Silver Millennium. He also did the character designs and work as animation director for the Sailor Moon S movie.
Some of his other works as an animation director includes Pokémon (1997), Angelic Layer (2001), Soul Eater (2008) and Toriko (2011).
- Episode 14: A Powerful New Enemy! Nephrite's Evil Crest
- Episode 20: The Summer! The Ocean! Our Youth! And a Ghost, Too
- Episode 25: Jupiter, the Brawny Girl in Love
- Episode 32: Umino's Resolve! I'll Protect Naru
- Episode 38: The Snow! The Mountains! Our Friendship! And of Course, a Monster, Too
- Episode 44: Usagi's Awakening! A Message from the Distant Past
- Episode 51: A New Transformation! Usagi Powers Up
- Episode 70: A Battle of the Flames of Love! Mars vs. Kōan
- Episode 85: The Birth of Black Lady, The Queen of Darkness
- Episode 92: A Beautiful Boy? The Secret of Haruka Ten'ō
- Episode 130: Protect a Mother's Dream! The New Attack for Double Moon
- Episode 135: Hearts that Communicate! Chibi Usa and Pegasus
- Episode 141: Storm of Love! Minako's Grand Two-Timing Plan
- Episode 147: The Fated Partner? Makoto's Innocence
- Movie: Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon S: The Movie
Animation Examples: Episodes
Episode 14: Queen Beryl.
Episode 14: Usagi.
Episode 14: Tuxedo Mask.
Episode 14: Sailor Moon.
Episode 25: Makoto.
Episode 25: Zoisite.
Episode 25: Makoto.
Episode 25: Sailor Moon.
Episode 44: Sailor Venus.
Episode 44: Princess Serenity.
Episode 44: Queen Beryl.
Episode 44: Queen Serenity.
Episode 85: Black Lady.
Episode 85: Black Lady.
Episode 85: Sailor Moon.
Episode 85: Sailor Mars and Sailor Mercury.
Episode 92: Haruka.
Episode 92: Usagi and Minako.
Episode 92: Sailor Neptune.
Episode 92: Sailor Moon, Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus.
Episode 130: Usagi.
Episode 130: Sailor Chibi Moon.
Episode 130: Sailor Moon.
Episode 130: Sailor Moon and Sailor Chibi Moon.
Episode 141: Minako.
Episode 141: Super Sailor Moon.
Episode 141: Sailor Venus.
Episode 141: Minako.
Episode 147: Makoto.
Episode 147: Tiger's-eye.
Episode 147: Makoto.
Episode 147: Sailor Jupiter.
Animation Examples: Openings & Endings
Sailor Moon Sailor Stars Opening.
Sailor Moon Sailor Stars Opening.
Sailor Moon Sailor Stars Opening.
Sailor Moon Sailor Stars Opening.
Animation Examples: Transformations
Sailor Moon: Jupiter Power Make Up.
Animation Examples: Attacks
Sailor Moon: Moon Healing Escalation.
Sailor Moon: Supreme Thunder.